Legacy Emanuel Hospital has graciously granted us permission for our 2nd Annual Parade of Cherubs on Friday, April 19th. We thank them for for their continued support and appreciate all they do for our precious CDH babies & children.
New this year:
* We are also having an "Information Fair" before the parade for medical professionals & the general public to learn more about CDH & pick up resource material.
* Fundraising for Research, Awareness & Support. Registration links below have options for donating to this effort. 50% of all local sponsorships and donations will go towards CDH Research & support of CDH families at Legacy Emanuel Hospital and Health Center! The remaining 50% will go to the CHERUBS CDH charity.
{{UPDATE: After discussion with Legacy Reps & our charity's president since there are currently no active research studies happening locally, our local donation will be earmarked for ECMO support since the ECMO equipment is VERY expensive and without it our sickest babies would likely have little chance of survival. Not all CDH'ers require ECMO, but for those that do, it can be all the difference!}}
Join us as we march to raise Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness. Everyone is welcome to participate! Last year we had 6 families (5 survivors & 1 angel family). Let's double that or MORE this year!!!
{{Update: Our registered count is over 60!! SO EXCITING!!!}}
When - Friday, April 19, 2013
Where - Legacy Emanuel Medical Center & Randall Children’s Hospital
2801 N Gantenbein Ave
Rooms 1075 & 1077 (Just off the Lunchroom)
Portland, OR 97227
2801 N Gantenbein Ave
Rooms 1075 & 1077 (Just off the Lunchroom)
Portland, OR 97227
Information Fair
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Parade of Cherubs
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Basic Itinerary:
1:00 pm - 1:10 pm - Check in & Issue Wings (Feel free to come early during the Information Fair)
1:10 pm - 1:15 pm - Presentation to Legacy Emanuel representative of donation check & additional presentations.
1:20 pm - 2:00 pm (Approximately) Cherubs on Parade around perimeter of Legacy campus.
2:00 pm - 2:15 pm - Balloon & bubble release in memory of Cherubs lost.
2:15 pm - 3:00 pm - Back to rooms 1075 & 1077 for meet, greet & refreshments.
PLEASE NOTE - By participating you give CHERUBS full permission to take and use photos in our charity literature, with the media and to raise CDH Awareness in our "Save the Cherubs" Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Campaign!
Also, Legacy requires if you were a patient treated at Legacy, you must sign a release with them at the time of the parade.
Attention Media! All media outlets attending the parade are required to contact Legacy's Media Public Relations Representative, Maegan Vidal, before the parade. She can be contacted at mvidal@lhs.org.
Also, Legacy requires if you were a patient treated at Legacy, you must sign a release with them at the time of the parade.
Attention Media! All media outlets attending the parade are required to contact Legacy's Media Public Relations Representative, Maegan Vidal, before the parade. She can be contacted at mvidal@lhs.org.
What - We will march to raise CDH awareness.
Who Can Participate - Anyone who wants to raise CDH Awareness. Please register with us to participate! (See registration links below.)
What to Wear - Event T-shirts were avalable for pre-sale, but only shirts ordered by March 31st were guaranteed delivery in time for the event. If you are not able to purchase a shirt or it does not arrive in time, light colored clothes in CDH ribbon colors are suggested (baby blue, baby pink, yellow or white). Be sure & dress for the weather!!
What Not to Wear - Anything trademarked or copywritten materials or phrases. No turquoise please.
Wings - You can borrow wings on April 19th if you make prior arrangements or purchase your own wings at http:// www.savethecherubs.org/.
Wings are also available at many party supply stores. (Supply of loaner wings are limited. Wings will go to CDH'ers first, then remaining siblings & friends while supplies last.)
Contacts - This year's organizers are CHERUBS Oregon state Co-Representatives Shelly Moore, Andrea Martin, Jamie Rowan. They can be reached at oregon@cherubs-cdh.org or leave message at 503-805-7854.
** If you want to make a fundraising page in honor or in memory of your Cherub in addition to registering, please use the Firstgiving page & when it asks what team you are on, choose the PORTLAND team to link your registration to the Portland parade. **
https:// www.firstgiving.com/10125/ cdhawarenessday2013
Learn more about CDH and CHERUBS at http:// www.cherubs-cdh.org/.
Who Can Participate - Anyone who wants to raise CDH Awareness. Please register with us to participate! (See registration links below.)
What to Wear - Event T-shirts were avalable for pre-sale, but only shirts ordered by March 31st were guaranteed delivery in time for the event. If you are not able to purchase a shirt or it does not arrive in time, light colored clothes in CDH ribbon colors are suggested (baby blue, baby pink, yellow or white). Be sure & dress for the weather!!
What Not to Wear - Anything trademarked or copywritten materials or phrases. No turquoise please.
Wings - You can borrow wings on April 19th if you make prior arrangements or purchase your own wings at http://
Wings are also available at many party supply stores. (Supply of loaner wings are limited. Wings will go to CDH'ers first, then remaining siblings & friends while supplies last.)
Contacts - This year's organizers are CHERUBS Oregon state Co-Representatives Shelly Moore, Andrea Martin, Jamie Rowan. They can be reached at oregon@cherubs-cdh.org or leave message at 503-805-7854.
Registration Pages - Now there are 2 ways to register. Please only choose one!
** If you want to make a fundraising page in honor or in memory of your Cherub in addition to registering, please use the Firstgiving page & when it asks what team you are on, choose the PORTLAND team to link your registration to the Portland parade. **
** If you just want to register for the event without a fundraising page, or just want make a sponsorship donation, please use the Eventbrite page **
http:// cdhawarenessday-2013portlan d-eorg.eventbrite.com/
Learn more about CDH and CHERUBS at http://
Looking forward to meeting you there!!!