Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Post Parade Followup Portland's 2013 "Parade of Cherubs"

Portland's 2nd Parade of Cherubs was a great success with 6 survivor families and 4 angel families represented! 

A video compilation should be available soon, but for now feel free to enjoy these pictures from the event & some news articles that appeared before the event.

International Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day
April 19, 2013 - Portland, OR
Randall Children's Hospital at Legacy Emanuel

We are so pleased with how Parade turned out!
Thank you all who supported our Cherubs and we'll see you in 2014!

CHERUBS Oregon volunteers Shelly Moore, Andrea Martin, Jamie Rowen & Alicia Gilbert

Portland Parade of Cherubs Article on Channel 12
(Air Date: 04/17/2013) 
(Article was shown on Channel 12 news, the local Fox affiliate.)

2 of 3 CHERUBS Oregon Co-Reps Jamie Rowen & Andrea Martin and Andrea's daughter, Sarah Howerton, were featured in a article about the loss of Jamie's son Jacob to CDH and Sarah's surviving CDH. They also included information about the upcoming "2013 Portland Parade of Cherubs" to be held on April 19, 2013 at Randall Children's Hospital in Portland, Oregon.

Thank you to Dr. Barry Newman for your contribution to this article! 

Channel 8 Article on "2013 Portland Parade of Cherubs"
(Air Date: 03/29/2013)
(Article was shown on the Channel 8 news, the local NBC affiliate.)

CHERUBS Oregon Co-Rep Jamie Rowen was featured on an article about the loss of her son Jacob to CDH, and the Portland "Parade of Cherubs" to be held on April 19, 2013 at Randall Children's Hospital in Portland, Oregon.

NOTE: They had one statistic wrong. CDH Strikes an average of 1,600 babies in the USA every year, of which about 800 do not survive.

CHERUBS Oregon Hospital Angel Alicia Gilbert & CHERUBS Oregon Co-Rep Shelly Moore & were also pictured talking about their son/grandson Jayden, lost to CDH in 2010.
Thank you to Dr. Martha Nelson for your contribution to this article!