Sunday, January 27, 2013

It's Going to be an EXCITING Year for Oregon CHERUBS Families in 2013!

2012 was an GREAT year for CHERUBS, and Oregon members are proud to have been a part of the effort for outreach, awareness & support. To see some of how we have increased awareness & outreach to local families, check out the "2012 in Review" link above to see pictures of last year's "Portland Parade of Cherubs" & meetings with 2 Oregon Senators' aides about supporting the CDH Research Bill. 

Going into 2013, there is alot going on in Oregon for our CDH families. First, we have a new Co-Rep.

Christina Stembler has done an awesome job with supporting our Oregon families as the Survivor Rep and of course Legacy Emanuel Hospital will always have a very special place in her family's heart after all they did for Hunter, but being way up in Seattle it's been challenging to handle 2 states. Washington's membership has grown by leaps & bounds and she also serves on the CHERUBS PAB (Parental Advisory Board) as well as being a full time mom to a house full of kids from pre-school to high school, so it seemed logical that if someone came available more local to Oregon that the duty could be handed off.

Luckily a long time CHERUBS member & former volunteer has stepped forward to help again, and so we welcome Andrea Martin as our new Surviving Parent Co-Rep! Her daughter Sarah is a teen survivor so she has many years of experience in the CDH journey & will be a great guide for our survivor families!
Next, plans are firming up nicely for Portland's 2nd Parade of Cherubs on April 19th. The parade route should be very similar to last year's, and with more time to plan we plan on having some even neater stuff this year!

Mark it on your calendar and please try to complete your registration by March 31st if possible so we have time to get parade items ordered & shipped. (No purchase is required, but event T-Shirts, wings, bracelets & your own custom posters are available for ordering if you so desire.)

2013 Day of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Parade of Cherubs, Portland, OR

When - Friday, April 19, 2013 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.
Where - Legacy Emanuel Medical Center & Randall Children’s Hospital
2801 N Gantenbein Ave, Rooms 1075 & 1077
Portland, OR 97227

Join us as we march to raise Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness as well as support for the CDH Research Bill. Everyone is welcome to participate. Last year we had 6 families (5 survivors & 1 angel family). Let's double that or MORE this year!!!

(Also tentative: We are also hoping to have an "Information Fair" before the parade for medical professionals & the general public to learn more about CDH & pick up resource material. More details to be posted soon! Stay tuned!)

hat - We will march to raise awareness. Along the parade route we may ask everyone to sing the "CDH Kids Song" and will ask some to carry "Save the Cherubs" posters to help raise CDH Awareness.

Who Can Participate - Anyone who wants to raise CDH Awareness. Please register with us to participate!

What to Wear
- Event T-shirts are for sale. 50% of proceeds will go to the local Children's Hospital CDH research or support team. The remaining 50% will go to CHERUBS CDH charity. Order via your registration check out. Shirts must be ordered by March 31st!

What Not to Wear - Anything trademarked or copy written materials or phrases. No turquoise please.

Contact Person - Shelly Moore or Andrea Martin at

Please NOTE! By participating you give CHERUBS full permission to take and use photos in our charity literature, with the media and to raise CDH Awareness in our Save the Cherubs Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness campaign!

More details here
Facebook Event Page:

(Clicking "Attending" on this page is appreciated but will NOT count as a registration & it has no links to pre-order parade items. T-Shirts needs to be purchased on the FirstGiving page, bracelets on the CHERUBS page & wings on the Save the Cherubs page or purchased locally to keep.)

Registration Page (join the PORTLAND team) at
FirstGiving Page:


A great feature of going through FirstGiving is when you register for a parade (INCLUDING THE VIRTUAL PARADE!) you can create your own page with your cherub's photo and story to help spread more awareness & fund raise towards your teams totals!!!!

Wings - You may be able borrow wings on April 19th (while supplies last) if you make prior arrangements, or purchase your own wings at the link below for the
2013 Day of CDH Awareness Items. Wings are also available at many party supply stores & at Oriental Trader. 

Buy Bracelets & Wings at
2013 Day of CDH Awareness Items

Order your own customized "Save the Cherubs" poster:
(Information coming soon)

Learn more about CDH and CHERUBS at:

New this year:
We will be asking businesses & families who can to sponsor the event. Sponsorships vary in level from Blue ($5,000), Pink ($1,000), Yellow ($500) & White ($100). All sponsorships are tax-deductible. Blue & Pink sponsorship includes your company's logo or child's photo in large or medium size on national event literature and shirts. Yellow & White sponsorships includes your company's name or child's name in standard or small print on national event literature and shirts. If $100.00 is too much, there is a spot to make a smaller donation of any amount. Even $5.00 will help!

50% of all local sponsorships, t-shirt sales and donations will go towards CDH Research at Legacy Emanuel Hospital and Health Center!

Start thinking about businesses you frequent & your employers. Would any of them be interested in supporting us? Publicity for them, research money for Legacy Emanuel and support for a GREAT cause!!! If you find someone interested in sponsoring, please direct them to the FirstGiving page to make their donation.

If you have family or friends in other states that want to support our effort at CDH Awareness, we have events going on the following areas. Let us know if you'd like more details!

We have quite a bit happening on April 19th, the International Day of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness:

* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - Portland, OR
* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - Seattle, WA
* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - Phoenix, AZ
* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - Denver, CO
* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - Las Vegas, NV (Tentative)

* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - Salt Lake City, UT (Tentative)
* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - Peoria, IL
* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - Chicago, IL

* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - Philadelphia, PA w/ CHOP

* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - Boston, MA (Tentative)
* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - Gainesville, FL
* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - Dallas, Texas
* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - New York City, NY
* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - St. Louis, MO w/St. Louis Fetal Care Institute
* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness UK Parachute Jump - Shropshire UK.

* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - VIRTUAL PARADE ONLINE
  (EVERYONE can "March" in the "Virtual Parade!!!)

And our GRANDDADDY event:
* 2013 Day of CDH Awareness Parade of Cherubs - Washington D.C.
  (+ Senate meetings on April 18th)

There will be LOTS more events going and we're hoping to add more in the upcoming weeks. 

Additional Events Already Planned:
* London Marathon Fundraiser (April 21st) in honor of cherub Caitlyn Stephens
* Pizza Fundraiser in Indiana in honor of Jaxon Rogers
* Tattoo Fundraiser in Arizona


We welcome all feedback here & in the CHERUBS Forums. Let us know how we can support your family in the CDH journey, no matter if you are an angel family or a survivor family, and if you are not yet signed up at CHERUBS, please do so. Membership is free and when you sign up we will send out an expecting parents H.O.P.E. Totebag if you are expecting a baby with CDH, and if your Cherub has already arrived we can send you a new family welcome packet. Also feel free to check out our confidential discussion forums where you can connect with other families in a safe environment.